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Airbnbexamples of the best landing pagesAirbnb









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Create this form with a simple format and only ask for the information you need for conversion purposes.Testimonials or Social ProofPositive testimonials or reviews from previous customers can build trust in the products or services you offer.Social proof such as awards or a list of companies that have collaborated can also increase credibility.Trust & Assurance ElementsAdding trust elements, such as award logos, certifications, or customer satisfaction guarantees, can make LP visitors feel more confident in your brand.Supporting ContentAdditional links or information relevant to your offering can help visitors understand more deeply and make decisions.

Examples of Landing Pages with Inspirational DesignsNow, let's get into the main Shandong Mobile Number List discussion.Here are 5 examples of landing pages with the best designs that we have collected to be your inspiration:1.  LP DesignFirst, let's look at an example from the online property rental platform, Airbnb.This LP is aimed at platform users who want to rent out their house/room.Therefore, one of the first pieces of information that is visible when accessing (and written in large font) is the range of income that users can earn.

Even though it is considered minimalist, here Airbnb prioritizes the information that needs to be known so that users are interested in becoming a host. 2. Wagwalkinglanding page designWagwalking LP DesignNext up is an LP from Wagwalking.Choosing a color scheme that is simple & cool on the eyes, this LP immediately provides a form according to the goals they want to achieve.To make it more interesting, they also use the SSADA subheading  to provide information on the number of members who have joined.


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