When running a business, you need to be flexible and prepared for many scenarios. The unfavorable economic situation tests the If an accident occurs, it is worth knowing what compensation the employee and his family members are entitled to. The regulations on this subject are detailed and extensive. In today's publication, we will describe what is one-off compensation for an accident at work and answer the question of its amount from April , . Your rights in the event of accidents at work.
Issues related to accidents at work are regulated in a special act dedicated to this issue, the Act on social insurance in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases. In art. of this Act, you can read the definition phone number list of an accident at work: An accident at work is considered a sudden event caused by an external cause, resulting in injury or death. Below we describe some of the circumstances considered to constitute an accident at work The following events qualify as The accident report is prepared and approved by the employer. For persons conducting non-agricultural business activity and persons cooperating in its operation, the document is prepared by ZUS.
What rights does an employee who has had an accident have An employee who has had an accident at work has a number of rights resulting from the regulations. Rights in the event of an accident at work: Sickness benefit In the amount of % of the basis for calculating , regardless of the insurance period Rehabilitation benefit in the amount of % of the basis for calculating accident insurance contributions, regardless of the insurance period Compensatory allowance Only available to employees with employee status One-off compensation is due to the insured person who has suffered permanent or long-term health damage One-off compensation for the death of the insured person.